Highest, lowest, hottest and weirdest: Vegas, Death Valley and the Grand Canyon

It’s been a long time since our last blog, primarily because internet cafes don’t really seem to exist in America any more, and public libraries chuck you out after 30 minutes.

But, now we have some time, here’s an update! We flew from Costa Rica via Florida into Las Vegas and crazy night-heat, and an airport full of slot machines. We got picked up by our friends Danny and Cat in their crazily cool Chrysler rental-car, and headed over to see ‘downtown Vegas’ and the old Fremont strip, which has a bit of a different vibe to the ‘modern’ Strip. It’s a bit of a feast for the senses (well, some of them), and stuffed full of things to experience. It’s incredibly fake, but fun too!



It’s also home to the “Heart Attack Grill”, where we did not eat…


The next morning we experienced our first American meal, and were still full about 24 hours later. (It was called a skillet, and was like a normal breakfast except with far more fried potatoes and cheese and various kinds of meat). After stocking up with huge amounts of water, we set out for Death Valley, home of the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth.

That’s Danny keeping a cool (fore)head in the mirror there despite the crazy heat

We headed up to a glorious viewpoint from where you can see both the lowest and highest points in mainland America from the same spot. As usual with these things, photos don’t really do it justice, but here’s a few anyway.



The sun is strong enough to insert some kind of light saber into Danny’s panorama shot, that’s teeny tiny us on that rock there too to give some idea of scale… 🙂
This was taken by a guy who started out interesting, but became a bit racist...a worryingly common experience over here.
This was taken by a guy who started out interesting, but became a bit racist…a worryingly common experience over here

Then we headed to another spot, full of weird rock formations.

Yep, that’s here on earth not from Star Wars or anything *amaze*

We stayed at a great ranch-hotel, virtually the only place that’s open in the valley in summer, when most people find it a touch too hot!

We were going to do a hike in Death Valley, but decided against it...
Us jokers chillin’ out (boom boom) by the thermometer. We were going to do a hike in Death Valley, but decided against it for some reason…

The next day we took a short hike around Red Rock Canyon near Vegas, with more insane examples of what nature and geology are capable of.


As an early birthday present, Cat and Danny took us out to see Evil Dead The Musical, which was really fun…here’s us with some of the cast:

Just like everyone else we've met here, they knew someone who lives in Norfolk / have a kid at Oxford / once went to London / has a friend from Sussex / etc
Just like everyone else we’ve met here, they knew someone who lives in Norfolk / have a kid at Oxford / once went to London / has a friend from Sussex / etc in fact they are basically from Scotland…

Then a night out at some bars and clubs, including Coyote Ugly, and just genereally had a great time experiencing the excesses and over-the-topness of a night out Vegas style, complete with its pyramid, castles, mini Statue of Liberty, totally standard stuff to find on a night out yeah?…

Oh yeah, and the Eiffel Tower made an appearance, not the first Eiffel Tower replica we’ve seen on the trip either; remember that Sucre blog? No? Yeeeeah, that one 🙂
Vodka shots and Jelly Tots anyone?
Sam enjoying a spot of cheese with her beer, Vegas really does deliver!
Sam enjoying a spot of cheese with her beer, Vegas really does deliver!

The next day, Sam and Cat headed to the shops, while Danny and I went to a ‘Ninja Warrior’ gym he’d found, full of crazy obstacles. I could barely do any of them! But still so fun.

DSCN2702 - Edited
Who needs Nike when you’ve got Hawaiian swim shorts? The joys of a backpackin’ wardrobe!
Spider-Danny conquered the obstacles easily...
Spider-Danny conquered the obstacles easily…

Then a proper American barbecue place – it was well away from the Strip, in a bit of a rundown area, and therefore both cheap and deliciously delicious.

On Sunday, we took an early bus-tour out to the Grand Canyon…it meant spending most of the day in the bus, but it was worth it! We swung by Hoover Dam on the way:


And the canyon was what everybody says it was (or, as one TripAdvisor reviewer put it, “just a big hole in the ground”). We had about 3 hours there, during which we walked along the rim for a few miles just enjoying the scenery and trying to spot the bottom…



After another overly-large breakfast the next morning, we said a massive bye to Cat and Danny, and jumped on a Greyhound bus to LA. While less comfortable than the buses in Chile and Peru, it did have wi-fi, a bathroom and air conditioning, and was only about £8 for a five-hour journey…pretty good really! More on LA in our next blog. Which will be coming very soon!

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